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ISTRA MiDa d.o.o. will endeavor to provide the most accurate and up-to-date content on its web pages, but does not assume any warranties of its accuracy and/or timeliness. ISTRA MiDa d.o.o. can change all content at any time without the obligation to inform users and is not responsible for the consequences of the changes so caused.

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Neither ISTRA MiDa d.o.o. nor any other legal or natural person who participated in the creation and production of the website Gostilna Kraški rob, is not liable for any damage resulting from access to, use or impossibility to use the information on the website Gostilna Kraški rob, or for any errors or shortcomings in their content.

The authors of the web site Gostilna Kraški rob are Andrej Medica (texts and photos) and MAEVI Ivo Štokovič s.p. (design and production).

© 2017-2019 All rights reserved. ISTRA MiDa d.o.o., Pregara 44a, Pregara, 6272 Gračišče, Slovenia, KRAŠKI ROB branch, Črni Kal 61, 6275 Črni Kal, Slovenia. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy